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Navy Sparkle Blossom Hijab


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Navy Sparkle Blossom Hijab

 Sabihah London 
 Sabihah London 

Navy Sparkle Blossom Hijab

Sale Price:£6.90 Original Price:£13.90

Navy Blossom is a beautiful print on a navy background with sparkly dots throughout the hijab. This hijab can be paired up with an outfit for an evening or occasion look.

This maxi hijab has plenty of material for extra coverage and hijab styling to create extra drape and folds. It is advisable to only wear this hijab with a hijab cap to keep it in place. 

There is fine stitching on all edges providing of the hijab which provides a neat finish. 

This is a limited edition hijab.

100% Polyester Georgette. 

Size: Length - 80 inches (203cm) x 45 inches (114cm)

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